Monthly Archives: March 2014

Getting the news …

I find that I spend my time overwhelmed with information, and have been looking to filter signal from noise — you?

The high road includes things like PBS NewsHour, NPR, BBC World, Al Jazerra America, NYTimes, Washington Post, LA Times (I’ll miss a few I’m sure), and  avoiding/minimizing CNN, MSNBC, Fox, broadcast news, even local news (OK, I admit I watch Fox sometimes just to get the jokes on the Colbert Report).  I try to stay on the high road as much as I can, since it appears from one study at Fairleigh Dickinson University that the source matters to some degree.

For more in depth, I like Frontline, and more recently Vice.  I was suspect of the latter, expecting sensationalized stories of the obscure given it is on HBO, but the first two episodes from this year had surprisingly good coverage of important stories that are off the radar.

However, I think we really need some place for prioritizing, what’s the most important thing to watch — yes, yes, I realize this is relative to who, where and when, but perhaps we can include some type of guidance.  And, yes, this is often implied in the source of the news, or the comments, but I know I would appreciate (and support) honest assessment from the source itself.  Problem is, where’s the revenue?

Also, in the short term I admit I use TDS, Colbert and even Real Time to help with analysis and prioritizing — sad but true.

And so it goes …

I’ve been meaning to start some sort of “permanent record” of my ideas, thoughts, take on things if only to document to future generations (esp. my own kids, descendants …) that I had ideas beyond computing and teaching, and often in contrast to the current political and cultural thinking.  In other words, I do not want to be painted with the same brush as my generation on many things.

Think The Daily Show with not as many laughs, but hopefully some.  The post title is from a Billy Joel song (not the upcoming movie), one of my favorites as it ends as much of life seems to end … incomplete, fuzzy, with emotion but not necessarily closure.

I guess I am learning to live with that, and I will adjust (another song, John Gorka’s “I’m from New Jersey“).  Here goes somethin’.