
This is the rationale for the Blog, and until I figure out how to put it at the top of that page, it stays here — jd.

It’s time.  After so many years, I want to put some of my ideas, beliefs, and (hopefully) insights out there.  I wanted a place to express some of the good and not so good that I read about, hear about or experience.  I will try to be clear and avoid the avoidable conflicts.  The ideas presented are mine alone and do not represent friends, employers or other organizations with whom I work.

After seeing so much that I cannot believe, I wanted a place to document my ideas, to show that I did not always go with the majority, and was not wedded to conventional thinking of my generation.  It is my hope that a subsequent generation will be able to see these views in some appropriate context, and it will make sense.

I also want my kids to know my thinking, and encourage their independent thinking.

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